Wednesday, September 10

Utter confusion....

For months now, every time I go to Nogales, AZ, everyone speaks to me in Spanish. One of my friends asked me once, "How do they know you know Spanish?" Who knows is all I can say...I'm just personally glad when I understand them and when they can understand me.

Yet, what's even weirder is that on Friday, when I went to the border, the guy looked at me long and hard and then asked me, "English or Spanish". I just looked at him and said, "English". Then, today, they had an extra stop, and the police officer just started rambling off in Spanish asking me if I had a license and insurance.

I don't get it. Why do people speak to me in Spanish and then talk to the old white lady behind me in English? What part of me looks Mexican to Americans? Yet, how is it that the people here in Imuris all see me as a white girl?

Any who, God is good, and He's helping me with my Spanish. I'm far from fluent or even at a 3rd grade level, but I'm learning and understanding more everyday. If anyone has any job ideas that will help me utilize my Spanish and grow in my communication, please let me know.

Here's a picture of everyone from Casa Timeteo tonight. We took this picture because they just got this 15 passenger van donated. We're only missing Adela (the house mom), her daughter Isabel, and Bob (who took the picture).

1 comment:

Oz said...

I don't know ... I think you could be confused for spanish.

It's the dark tan that you're probably sporting these days.