Monday, September 15

Well, I'm home.

I left Imuris last night at 6:00, and I got here at 10:30. The border line was only an hour, so it wasn't that bad.

Yesterday went better than planned. I only cried once, and I handled the goodbyes pretty good. I know that I'll get to go there again and see them soon, so that always helps. Yet, it is already different sitting here in the states than being in my home there.

Now that I am officially here, I can tell you guys about the other things that happened while I was there... Those will come later, on different days, when I feel like writing a lot. See, there are certain things that I didn't tell people so they didn't worry or get scared while I was still living there. :)

Now, I just need to find a job, get reconnected with everyone, get financially okay again, and try to deal with culture shock. See, it's weird because, even though I came up here some-what often, I still deal with it. From trying to get used to hot showers, air conditioning, cable, modern conveniences, real world of restaurants and fast food living (which, I don't really want to get accustomed to again), and the waste of money on needless indulgences. Yet, I will do my best, only with help from my wonderful God - to get readjusted without trying to forget the things I've learned from living in Mexico.

Yesterday, as I was looking into one of the boys mouths because he was hurting - I asked him if he had allergies. When he responded with "no, I have no allergies", I reminded him to thank God for all of the blessings he has in his life.

May we remember to do the same.

1 comment:

Shay said...

Welcome back :)