Friday, September 26

I heard this song on Air1 tonight as I was driving home from my cousins' house. I started crying on the freeway because it just hit me so hard. I cried out to God, asked Him all sorts of questions about things I don't understand.

I know I'm an extreme person. I'm extreme in almost every way, and God knows that. He knows that I am this way internally, and that's why He has to do things like tell me that I am called to be single forever - so He can have all of my attention and so I don't get distracted over stupid stuff. I'm kind of nosey too... so since I know He has all the answers, I kind of bug Him for them. :) I'm sure no one could ever imagine that!

With that said, with Him wanting me to live here, He had to do it in a somewhat painful way. But it's okay, and it's good. I will forever love everyone in Mexico. I miss Bob and Joy and everyone there dearly and daily, but it's not my time to continue things for now. There needs to be a time a part for whatever God has for me next. I don't know what it is, but I am excited because only He knows how to bless me, hurt me, cause me to depend more on Him, and love me completely and fully.

So, here it is. The lyrics are here, and then if you click on song #4 of the playlist below, you can hear it as well. Enjoy. :)

Sanctus Real - Whatever You’re Doing
From the album We Need Each Other

It’s time for healing, time to move on,
it’s time to fix what’s been broken too long
Time to make right what has been wrong;
it’s time to find my way to where I belong

There’s a wave that’s crashing over me,
and all I can do is surrender
Whatever You’re doing inside of me
It feels like chaos, but somehow there’s peace

And it’s hard to surrender to what I can’t see,
but I’m giving in to something heavenly
Time for a milestone, time to begin again,
re-evaluate who I really am

Am I doing everything to follow Your will
or just climbing aimlessly over these hills?
So show me what it is You want from me
I give everything – I surrender

Time to face up, clean this old house
Time to breathe in and let everything out
that I’ve wanted to say for so many years
Time to release all my held back tears

Whatever You’re doing inside of me
It feels like chaos, but I believe …
You’re up to something bigger than me
Larger than life, something heavenly

Whatever You’re doing inside of me
It feels like chaos, but now I can see
This is something bigger than me
Larger than life Something heavenly, something heavenly

Time to face up, clean this old house
Time to breathe in and let everything out


friend said...

May you be blessed as God does whatever remodeling he intends. Healing, loving, sanctifying, whatever.

Anonymous said...

where are you going to church, when will you come see us?? Miss you

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