Sunday, August 19

Some last minute quotes from Andrew Murray in his book "The Holiest of All". It's a commentary on the book of Hebrews that I am letting Ben borrow. Here's some quotes on love with a hint of reformational thinking from someone who joined our Lord in 1917. little has Christ's Church proved that it has its birth from the God of love, that it owes it all to Him who loved us, gave us the new commandment of love, and asked us to prove our love to Him by bestowing it on our brethren. (pg. 518)

The life in the city of the living God is a life of love: the more we love, the more the mists will roll away our souls see it in sunshine and beauty. (pg. 518)

To lead the truly Christian life, the life of faith amid daily duties and daily care, we need the presence of God as our better and abiding possession. (pg. 523)

All that He is, He can be to you to-day. And the only reason that you ever had to look back to a yesterday that was better than to-day, was that you did not know, or that you failed to trust, this Jesus, who was waiting to make each to-day a new revelation and a larger experience of the grace of yesterday. (pg. 527)

My brethren! do you understand what it means that the Father, in leading you to glory has made Jesus the Leader of our salvation. Jesus is responsible for you. Take Him and trust Him as your Leader. The great need in one who follows a leader is a tender, teachable spirit. Rejoice that you have such a Leader, Himself made perfect in meekness and submission through suffering, that He might lead you in the blessed path that brought Him, and will bring you as surely, to the glory of the Father. (pg. 86)

One last one....

To all Christians whose life has been one of feebleness and of failure, who have not entered into the rest of faith, into God's own rest, this word To-day is the key to all their disappointments and to all their failures. You waited for strength, to make obedience easier; for feeling, to make the sacrifice less painful. You did not listen to the voice of God breathing through every word. He speaks that wondrous note, even through the living word, Jesus Christ, that wondrous note of hope, To-day. You thought it meant for the sinner a call to immediate repentance; you did not know that it means for the believer, each time he hears the voice; immediate, whole-hearted submission to all God says, immediate trustful acceptance of all He gives. And yet just this is what it does mean. (pg. 126)

1 comment:

friend said...

Wow that is freaking amazing. Looking forward to more reading....
Bless you!
