Sunday, February 1

Since I was called to singleness in August of 2006, it has been a really easy road for me. Yet, the past few months have brought some struggle. I have been praying and asking God to re-confirm my singleness or to release me from it and confirm that. However, the silence has been daunting me.

Then, today, Ian gave a word. He shared that some of us can identify with the jailor in the story of Acts 16 and that God wants to take us out of our jail cell. God is wanting to tell us that it was our mistake, and that we are able to be released from it.

It was then, that I knew this word was for me. See, I have put myself in a jail cell of singleness. I had this fear that if I was to pursue anything with anyone, that God may tell me on my wedding day that it wasn't from Him and that I had to say no and stay single. Yet, through Bruce and Rae's prayers, they confirmed that it was a lie from the enemy that God would never let me go that far.

So, here I am, resting. Resting in the Lord and His freedom and grace. Resting in the fact that He will be with me as I go forward. I need to be comfortable and willing to go wherever God leads me, and in whatever direction He brings me.

1 comment:

friend said...
