Tuesday, April 22


I went to the orphanage this weekend. It was great to see Patty, Shannon, and Anthony. Saturday, I woke up at 6:20... same as everyday. Usually, I pray for Humberto for 20 minutes before he starts school and wakes up (which is 6:40 for both - he´s a boy, and he doesn´t really get ready). Yet, on Saturday, I started praying and getting ready knowing that I got to go to the orphanage really soon. Well, no more than 15 minutes later, Humberto, Guada, Juan Carlos, and Bob came to the house. Humberto and Bob actually got permission to play soccer! Praise God for this extra special surprise and present! Oh, and they brought us flowers - so amazingly sweet. They´re still in my kitchen nearing the end of their life.

The boys ate breakfast at the house, all lost their games in soccer, ate lunch at the house like crazy fools, devoured the mango ice cream (amazingly good), and then we headed over to CdE.

I can´t even express to you the emotions I had as I entered the property. I was so blessed, the kids were so excited to see me - as I was them. They all heard about how I wasn´t Humberto´s sponsor anymore and asked me if I was going to sponsor anyone else. Both Humberto and I told them that we are family and that it doesn´t matter if I am technically his sponsor or not because he is mine for life. It was really cute to hear him say that we´re family to the kids. He actually told me he loved me both days... in English of course so the other kids can´t overhear and understrand. His English is getting really good. He was talking in it alot this weekend.

Seeing all of the different kids was too much to handle. I was fearful to enjoy it too much and run up to all of them and give them hugs and kisses - I did to some, don´t get me wrong. Yet, there´s a part of me that was scared to enjoy it too much in case they were going to take Humberto away from me and then tell me that there´s no reason for me to be on the property again... I was just too stressed out and straight out scared that I would never be able to come back. At this point, I never know exactly what they are thinking to be completely at peace. I have peace in God, but not in man... and reading a lot in the old testament... (I´m now in 1 Chronicles), I know how much people can be disobedient. I also know from experience unfortunately.

Anyway, on Sunday, I had a meeting with Gabby (Manuel´s wife). I asked for another opportunity to show them how much I respect them and that I have the ability to follow the rules. She said that the board has to decide if I can go there everyday (even just for an hour or two) and if I can still be Jesus´s sponsor. So, pray for the board. I am very happy with how our meeting went, she thanked for me understanding and I think we´re both on the same page now. Praise the Lord.

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