Monday, September 24

The time is almost near. It seems crazy to even think about, but it's time. This past week, I have had this urgency and I decided to pick a date - January. I hope that I will complete the move by then. Thursday I talked to my boss to see if there was even a chance and she said yes - but that we need to write a business proposal to get the others on board. I am very nervous as I have never wrote a business proposal and I'm kind of unsure of how you even do it... but I hope to get it completed and give it to them by the end of this week.

Yesterday, Joel's sermon really hit the spot. I can completely understand his heart for the Native American people, because I have that same heart for my kiddos (that I share with many others). I'm sure everyone's asking what kids right about now. :) I also completely understood what he was saying about the whole checkmark thing. I am constantly trying to work on all of the steps at the same time. I am glad that Jay prayed against that because it comes way to naturally to me and it's keeping me from wondering about C and D before I even complete A. The business proposal is A... Also, when we were praying, Randy said that he felt like God was telling him that I was becoming the prayer that I prayed for. This was a really powerful line in Joel's talk and I was really hoping that that was becoming true in my life. It was really amazing to get that affirmation. It was also absolutely adorable that little Sam came over to pray with us. Kids are so precious.

Anywho, I wanted to let everyone know what was going on. I appreciate any and all prayers that I get. I'm kind of talking in code since some people from work have found this site before... I don't think they check it, but still. I think everyone can figure out what it's about though. :)

1 comment:

Keith said...

I knew that Joel's words for you. I also noticed that you did not just walk up when they invited folks up for prayer, but that you practically ran up there.

His words also spoke to me and I am in prayer myself about a lot of things, and CDE is definitely the direction I am being pulled to.

Shoot me an email about the code stuff you are talking about. I would like to pray more specifically for you.