If you didn't get to read Bryant's post from Sunday/ Monday regarding Francisca, then I would strongly recommend it. It's awesome the little role that he was able to play in her story.
This weekend was one of highs and lows, but Francisca was definitely the highest of the highs. In church on Sunday, there was a guest speaker. At first, I was a little taken back because he talked so loud. I heard the chuckles of some of the teens that came with me as they were overwhelmed by his joust of "Gloria a Dios!". He calmed down in parts, but you could just see the passion and faith in this man. He talked about salvation, heaven and hell, and how to live your life for God while you're here on earth. For the first time ever, I actually understood over 50% of the lesson. It was really good.
At the very end, he basically made an alter call. He said that if anyone wanted to come forward to state their faith in God. Francisca went up without hesitation. She repeated after him the prayer - a bit lengthier than the normal - but it was beautiful. She prayed for God to come into her heart and into her life and that He would cleanse her, wash her, heal her, and help her throughout her life. She thanked Jesus for dying on the cross and all of the normal things that we are so thankful for.
After the prayer was completed, he had people come up to say congratulations. Everyone got in a really long line to tell her congrats on her salvation. I yelled to all the Americans "get up and get in line to tell her congratulations for accepting the Lord into her heart". I think Jared got in line 3 times to tell congrats. She is beautiful girl, but she was so much more radiant while she was praying and proclaiming her faith. You could see her shine and glow with His light in her. It was beautiful. Waking Fernando up who had been sleeping on me the entire time was worth telling Francisca congratulations. There's nothing more beautiful to witness and there's nothing that is more worthy of being celebrated.
I was going to get her a bible and have all of us sign it, but I decided to do the right thing instead. I told Colene and she's going to share the exciting news with her sponsor. I am sure that her sponsor will jump on the opportunity to get her a new bible and that it will be another great bonding experience between them.
Praise God. His work is being proclaimed and people are joining our already huge family of believers. :)
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