When we were down there, the kids asked about her and where she was. Even if everything last weekend went fine, she still wouldn't have been able to come because her work only allows her to have one Saturday off a month. I explained that to the kids and also told some of them how she was in trouble with her mom because of how she was the weekend before. They totally understood. To me, this is huge, because this means the 2 or 3 that knew last weekend spread the word... lets just say, with 110 kids there, word gets around no matter if you like it or not. Because of this, I will have to make stricter guidelines in the future and it is up to her mom if she's even allowed to come again. I believe her mom said she's not allowed to come in July and then after that one of her parents will need to go down with her.
Anywho, I need to get to the excitment of the graduation. 26 kids graduated this weekend! It is a great accomplishment for them, and it was an exciting time. It starts with the a speech and then the entrance of the graduates. They then have a very intriquite flag ceremony which to me, shows the culture, respect for their country, and even part of their history. They then continue on with a lot more speeches and the honoring of the different teachers and people on staff. They were each given a plaque. The applause and the screaming for the Nana was unlike I have ever seen. The kids all stood, clapped, and cheered - way louder than for anyone else. She has worked there for 20 of the 21 years that they have been opened, and she loves those kids like no other - she deserves to be celebrated! They had these dancers that came from another city and they performed a few dances - they were really good. It ended with the graduates all standing arm in arm and swaying back and forth and then singing a song. They then had the boys walk with a girl on each arm (more girls graduated this year), and then the boys took turns slow dancing with each of their girls. They then threw up their hats in the air. It was a beautiful sight to see.
2 more kids ranaway while we were there. It is really sad since they left siblings behind. One of the ones that left is the girl that Mike & Evan from VCC sponsor. At the graduation, I got to see one of the girls that ran away before. It was great to see her and her mom there celebrating her older brother's graduation from primary school.
Manuel has asked me to be their web master for their website. I would love to do it, but I hope I can figure it out and help make it better. I might be looking for some help from some people... so don't be too surprised if I ask you. :)
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