It has been an honor seeing his personality grow and mature in the past 16 months I have known him. He has gone from a shy, quite, contemplative boy to an outgoing, funny, obnoxious, thoughtful, and intelligent leader amont the boys there.
He loves the bible, and John 17 is his favorite chapter. We have been comparing our favorite bible scriptures lately and it's such a blessing to have fellowship with him.
He is a great pitcher in baseball and a great middlefielder in soccer. Pitchers shouldn't be able to bat.. but he has such a good eye, that he almost always gets onto first.
He helps me out whenever I really need it... He helps me do the pinata if there is no one in my group around to help. He has helped me wash dishes in the kitchen and even helped Nana wipe off the spoons. He has helped me clean the apartment and communicate with kids that don't understand my horrible accent.
He's also hilarious! He is learning so much English. He has learned the funniest phrases, and he tells Madi, "You are weird crazy chicken donkey four eyes." It's awesome... She loves it because she feels like he's her little brother. Jared, Adrian, and I had him fart on her when he had to sit on her lap because there was no room. On our past trip, he would fart and then look at her, point, and then say, "for you." It's great.
Even though there are times where he drives me absolutely crazy from him pulling my ponytail and messing up my hair or deleting all the pictures in my camera or videos or pics of specific kids... I love him. He is the most amazing kid ever. He likes science, reading, math, sports, games, cards, gymnastics/dancing, taking care of the little kids, being crazy, and most of all - Jesus. He told me once in a letter - "We raced and we won because we have faith". Here's to my littlest 13 year old boy with such a huge heart! I am so proud of him.
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