Saturday, March 15

Quick update.....

I have 5 minutes before I have to leave the internet cafe, go pick up Adrian from the football game, and get back to the orphanage before 11. Jesus and I are here because he wanted to play games on the internet. :)

Did I mention how much fun it is just to do normal things with him like this by ourselves? We don´t get to do it that much.

Prayer requests:

Wisdom what to do about my car. I am thinking and praying about selling it since it is so expensive. I don´t really need it and it would eliminate a lot of financial stress since I´m living off of support.

Financial support. Without my car, I am close to what I need to be fully supported but I need to still try to find a little bit more support.

Blessing and provision and guidance for the adoption. I need to pursue it but I would like to find seperate financial support for this because I´m not going to use the money from the others for this. I don´t want to go into detail about it but I need God to be with me and prepare everyone along the way.

Continual blessings and wisdom for the staff at the orphange. Right now, we´re getting along good. Pray that this will continue.

Okay, me a voy. Love you guys lots and thank you for any prayers. Oh, and pray for my cough. The amoxocillin is helping, but it´s still annoying. Thanks loves!


Jen said...

Love ya, girlie! You're in my prayers and I can't wait to see you!

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friend said...

update us!