Here are the pictures of Keith and Patty's boy Guadalupe and my boy "Ruco" in their new soccer jerseys that we got them. We got them personalized for free at "Tees and More" on Neely in Gilbert. Sniders (2 suites over) actually personalized another boys for free in the last hour before the trip. The boys loved their new soccer uniforms. We got them each a pair of goalie gloves... and I think both pairs might have holes in them by the time we go down there in two weeks. I have never seen them play so much soccer before. They were using them constantly. Right after Guadalupe got his, he immediately put them on and went to play goalie on the soccer field.
Oh, one quick thing that isn't about the trip... I was showing my mom these two pictures, and when she saw them, she said, "Oh, their boy is cuter". Who says that? My mom doesn't think my boy, Jesus Humberto, is the cutest boy there, but do you really need to compare kids? They are all beautiful, and yes, Guadalupe should be a model, but come on... my boy is pretty darn adorable too. :)

Christmas time can always be hard, but it's amazing at the same time. We brought down gifts for 10 kids that are sponsored by people we know. It's always fun to watch their faces when they open their presents and to see the joy on their faces just for their sponsor "remembering them".
This was Anthony's second time down to the orphanage. He fits right in, and here is a picture of him with Freddy. Freddy is a kid that doesn't always like people. In fact, there have been many times where he hasn't liked me. He was the first kid there not to... It kind of freaked me out, but then I realized it must be pretty good for all of the others to, and that I will never be liked by everyone. Yet, I found out why on this trip... He told Anthony that he didn't like me because the boy I sponsor is mean to him and I still love him. Well... what can I do about that? I had a talk with Jesus about that, but that's all I can do.
Anywho, back to Anthony. I think everyone on the trip was happy to get to know him more, and it was great to see his heart grow even more for the kiddos. On the way back, he mentioned that it seemed weird because he felt like he was leaving home. The kids are permanently in his heart. He also was wondering how we do it... When I asked what, he said, "leave". I don't know how we do it each time... I think I have numbed myself to a certain point just because I know I will see them in how ever many days each time.
Gracie has also been amazing on these trips. Here she is with Johana (who Mike & Evan M. sponsor) and Cristina. She is great with all of the kids, but she's especially wonderful with the teenage girls. They need so much love and attention and are usually the last ones to open up to people. With her speaking Spanish fluently and having the spunky personality she does, they opened up to her right away. It's amazing. She is one of the few people that can actually minister with her words.
Here's a picture of Carolina, Wendy, Ramon Abdiel, Adrian (my brother), and Dulce. They are just too cute that I had to put this picture up here. :)
Here's another too cute to not mention picture... It's of Sofia (in the back), Juan Igncacio, and Humberto Antonio. Antonio only wanted one eye to show. It was a good call on his part, because he looks adorable.
These kids are just too precious for words, and I really don't know how anyone can go down once and not continue to go there over and over again. I really don't understand how groups can go there, hand out presents for an hour, and then just leave. These kids have consumed my heart, and even when I'm cranky and I have a headache for 3 days because I have a pimple on my forehead, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
This trip was amazing. I got to enjoy monkey in the middle a couple of times, play catch with my boy, get my house.... I'll post more on that later...
Oh, one more quick thing. My boy asked me if he could get a present for his teacher Juan. I was so ecstatic that he wanted to get a present for someone and that he didn't just want to be on the receiving end. We got permission and then off we went to Magdalena. It was so much fun shopping with him and Adrian while they were both looking for someone else. Despite my boy being a malcrinado, it was a great time, and I couldn't have been happier to spend money on something like that.
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