Thursday, November 15

So, I had my first sending off moment....

Last night, I told the Prims. I knew it was coming, I tried to prepare myself for it, but really, how do you do that? (besides prayer of course) We did "show and tell" for the first time this year, and then it was my time to do a "tell and tell".

I looked around at all of their eager to hear faces, and I tried to speak. What do I say? How do I explain this? I had no idea... I couldn't plan it, it was too hard. I just said, "some of you already know this, but I need to tell the others that don't know." I looked over at Jennah, and she knew what was coming. I was hoping she would do her little, "You're moving to Mexico?" outburst that she's done at Amadeo and at other events... then it would have helped ease me into it - at least a little bit. Yet, no luck with that.

Then, as I began to speak, I started crying. I could barely get the words out. "On our next Prims night, it will be my last. I am going to be moving to Mexico in January." I went on to explain that I will be with the orphans there, and that the only thing that helps me is knowing that they each have parents that love them so much and that they have people like Ms. Nia and other people that will always show them God's love. I need to go down there so that they know people love them and want to be with them. I explained to them that this is why I didn't know if I was going to do Prims this year, but that I wanted to spend as much time with them as I could, and that is why I did it this year. I told them that I am going to miss them a lot, and that I have known some of them for a really long time, and that this is going to be hard on me to.

I then opened it up for questions... I've babbled on enough through my tears, I needed a break.

They asked me for how long I would be there.... if I could come and visit..... and if I could bring pictures of the kids for them to see. How sweet is that?

Nia then had them surround me and pray for me. Their prayers were so sweet. The hardest part of the praying though was the crying. I heard hard crying on my right side, and I assumed it was Jennah. I looked up at her, and she was just praying and being strong and beautiful - without tears. It took me a couple of looks to figure out that it was Adoniah. She had turned her head away from the group with her arm still reaching out to touch me. I have known her the longest out of her little life. I remember going to her 1st birthday party. Emily prayed that she wouldn't cry and that we could stop crying.... but right after the prayer, she started crying in her seat.

After lots and lots of hugs, we went out to the playground. Rebecca made me a sweet little card and walked around to each of the girls and had them sign it. Grace, Skylar, and Taylor had already left, but she got all of the others. From Anika to Embree to Kailyn and Kat to Grace, Skylar, and Taylor to Cheyanna, Bekki, and Summer. It was hard. However, Johnna, whom I've only known for a few months and tends not to be on the sentimental side, said, "Why is everyone crying". She has no idea how much I've known some of these girls...

Yet, we all made it through the night. At last. They know. I have one more time with them which will be a party, and then I will definitely be trying to find a time to visit them again. Some want to write letters and so I will definitely be doing that. I would love to be any of these girls pen pals. They are going to be one of the hardest parts of going... but I know I must, and once I'm there, I will be blessed.

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