Tuesday, November 6

God is so good.

I am reminded of the last verse in John when he says "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." Oh how true is this.

I think about my own life and the lives of those around me. I feel like I could write a 20 book series about my own life and all of the things that He has done for me. God is amazing, and it's in times like these that I am just completely blown away and blessed.

Am I dealing with some tough stuff? Sure. My boy was cutting his arm to give himself a tattoo on his hand, the different teens that go down are going through all sorts of funk. I have some things that I have to go to the Lord for and search out for His direction, but He's working. He's working in our lives, guiding us to where He wants, and He is giving us everything we need.

Honestly, I have been dreading every time I tell someone about my move - because I am waiting for something that will hinder me in some way and it hasn't happened yet. I am waiting - where's the hardship with this one? Where's the trial? Sure, you could consider over a year of waiting a trial, but that's over with - so where's the new one? God has blessed me tremendously, and I am so glad to be able to say that I am free. Emotionally, I am free to be happy now. I have told all the people that can actually be hinderances, and they have all given me their blessings. I am free to be excited and know that this is real. It is going to happen, and I am going to be able to be a teacher, mother, sister, friend, mentor, and a helper to all of those kids down there as they let me. I am blessed.

It's always a good time to think about the books in your life that you could write... What would your series say?


friend said...

St Therese de Amadeo - that is my new name for you. I will continue prophesying over the new orphanage you will one day open. Hurray!!!!


Keith said...

Wow, that is a great question. What would my series say? I have never really thought about that.

It very well could be titled "A modern prodigal son".

I am saved by God's grace and His mercy. I have had many trials in my life and I am sure there will be more. But the Lord has been with me through all of them and will be right there beside me when others come.

I am so happy for you that God has opened the doors for you to move to Mexico. It is a blessing for you.

It is also an honor for Patty and I to take over at Amadeo where you left off. There is no doubt in my mind that Patty is called to this ministry and I have been called to help her and support her.

Thanks for all you have done to show us the ropes and we will definitely be seeing you each and every month.

You are being MoVeD by God's love and may He bless you and your ministry in the days to come.