Tuesday, October 9

Sunday, Ben taught about being living sacrifices and how it is our honorable act of worship (or service)... I can't remember right now, but I know everyone knows the verse. :) So, I got to teach the kids about that as well. When I was thinking about worship in particular, I was reminded of how it's a lifestyle and not just something that we do throughout the week. I decided that this week, I wanted to have the kiddos be doers of the word and not just hearers. So, that's exactly what we did.

We started off with just talking about worship - the point of worship, what it is, and how do we do it. We talked a little bit about how different people in the bible worshipped and the lives that they lead. Then, we sang and danced to one worship song - Jump for Jesus. Right when we were going to start the second, a kid had to go to the bathroom. So, we all went to the bathroom. It was a joyous time, especially when one of the little girls tried to use a urinal in the boys bathroom... haha. Anywho, back to worship. We sang another song - Big Big House.

After that, I talked a little bit more about how the women annointed Jesus with the costly perfume and how our actions can be worship as well. Then, I had each of the kids spread out and kneel down with their chests touching their thighs. It's kind of a different version of the fetal position. I wanted them to trust the fact that no one could see them. Then I pleayed "In the Secret" and I told them all to pray. It was great hearing about all the different things they prayed about.

There was a little tiff the week before between two of the boys, so I really wanted to talk about the difference between liking everyone verses loving everyone. We talked about how there are times where we might not like someone, but when we choose to love them and be nice to them, it's a way we can worship God. It was great hearing some of their examples. Noah brought up the Bridge to Tarabithia - and what a great example that bully is. So many times the people that are so mean and harsh are that way because of how hard of a life they have had. It's great to see how some simple acts of love and friendship can change someone's whole dimeanor like in that movie.

It was then time to play somewhat of a game. I told them to all think of a "position of worship". After everyone had one in their head, I told them to go on 3. We did this twice and then I had them do it for prayer. Some kids struggled with it, but it was great to see all of their different poses. I wanted them to see a variety, and they definitely did. It was great when Savana went on her knees but still had her arms crossed - oh how often that position is fitting - ultimate surrender, the fear of what God is going to do, but knowing that He is in control and comforting us.

Finally, it was time to pray. We all sat in a circle and I told them that there would be no passing. I told them about the 4 different types of prayer: adoration, thanksgiving, self, and others. Since we were cutting it close on time, I combined adoration and thanksgiving. I talked about them a little bit and then had everyone go around and pray what they were thankful for. I told them they didn't have to close their eyes or bow their heads, but that we could just sit there. They were thankful for everything from Spiderman and video games to their family, shelter, and friends. I was happy when they said things like video games because I think it's so important to be honest to God and if that's what they're truly thankful for, then He already knows that. Next, I had them pray for themselves. This was really hard for Derek. It shocked me - I thought this day would be the easiest for him. He didn't want to do it, but I made him and then finally, he did. During the first time around, Annah was a little bashful, but she did great the next two times around. It was awesome that Seth prayed that he would become a better man of God. Cais was overly excited to pray for her health issues and asked if she could pray for 3 things for herself - it was awesome. Sam prayed for his headaches. Then, we prayed for other people. I think the best one - even though they were all amazing prayers was Joshua's. He prayed that Derek would feel more comfortable to pray outloud with people. It was so compassionate and beautiful. Noah prayed for Jennah to continue to read more and for Annah in her schooling. The prayer time was my favorite. Even if each kid each only said 3 sentences, they prayed. Well, that was about it... It didn't go exactly as I planned, and I wasn't able to have them complete the last two things I wanted - which was writing a letter to God and drawing a picture to God or of God. But, I think it went well none the less... I am not sure what the kids thought about it though.

1 comment:

Keith said...

One word...BEAUTIFUL!