Sunday, September 30


One of the beautiful things of it is that people do it in such vastly different ways, but it all seems to work. People have different types of relationships with their children, and that's what makes them beautiful.

I think about it often as so many parents share their children with me. In Prims, church, and on trips to Mexico, I spend lots of time with kids and teens.

At times, when I think about taking other people's kids across the border, I am shocked. I have had many parents allow me to take their kids across the border without knowing me - or even meeting me. I have had other parents allow me to take their kids with only meeting me for "the drop off". At times, I am honored that they trust me with their kids, but I don't even think it's that. I think it's more that they trust their kids, the friends their child has chosen, and that sort of thing.

Being a nosy person, I like to know everything that is going on. I asked Jesus last year what he got for Christmas from the other groups and he wanted to know why... I want to know every part of his life. My parent type would be "involved"... wanting to see how my "child" would interact in a different setting, different culture, and in that type of environment. Others are satisfied by having a short/long conversation with their kid when they come home.

Now, there are lots of different reasons why some people would not be able to come, but it makes me think. I always like to hear people's input and I do try to understand all types of people - but some, I just can't understand.

Being a mom to orphans (in my own sort of way), I like to see people's reactions when they meet my kids (which soon become theirs as well). In November, there's lots of people going down on the trips, so I had to seperate the two. The first one is for families (Patty & Keith, John K, Robert & Angela, Josh & Shae, Leslie & her husband, and another couple). They are all bringing their kids, and it's going to be awesome. The second trip is for the 15 teens that are coming down (and Patty & Keith - can't do it without them). I was explaining this to Madi today to prepare her for not going for 6 weeks since she can only go on the 2nd trip. I told her who was going, and she was so bummed when she found out she can't see Trinity interact with the kids. Right after that, in walked Angela into Barro's. Crazy. Anywho, I feel bad for her, especially because I will be able to see it.

In speaking to Keith today, he said that he and Patty would be willing to lead trips down there without me. I have no doubts that they are more than able to lead the trips, but I don't want to miss out on any time with those kids. They come first, and so to me, there's no reason not to go on a single trip down there.

Anywho, thank you to those of you that allow me to spend time with your kids and sharing them with me. It's an honor and a privelage. I am so blessed. Oh, and thank you for also being examples to me in how to parent and cherish children. Love you all.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Being a parent is tough man. I have failed in the past, but can only try and be a good parent today. I try my best, and keep on trying.