Mikey is about 14 months old. I'm actually not sure of his exact age. He and his brother have been there since June.
This past weekend, I changed his poopie diaper at least 4 times. Now, you might be wondering why I would be mentioning this in my "sweet memories" of him, but let me try to explain something to you first. As long as I have ever changed diapers, I have always thought about the day that I would be changing my own kids diapers. I always thought it would be so cute if a little baby would say "ahhh" when someone changed their diaper. I always pictured the astonishment and joy on some person's face if a little baby was in the nursery and said it to them as they completed the dreaded task. Well, this past weekend, I tried it with Mikey. When I was changing his diaper, I said, "Dices ahhhhh". Sure enough, he did. It was the cutest thing ever. We did it over and over. Think about it... A new diaper has to be so refreshing to a baby, and it is definitely refreshing to whoever is changing them... it just seems to fit... at least in my head. :)
Okay, here comes another cute thing to me but gross to most normal people. If you know me well, then you've probably seen me clean some kids face. I don't care if it's eye crusties, boogery noses, or something else on their face. Well, Mikey had some crusties, so, I got them out. What was so cute though, is that after I was done clearing up a nostril, he would reposition himself and squeeze me oh so tightly around my neck. It was the best hug ever. He does that sporadically as well, but it's just extra cute after doing something like that.
On Sunday morning, I got to put him down for a nap during church. It's always so cute watching kids fall asleep. Later on that afternoon, I found out that he was looking for me. He used to call me Ana, and sometimes he messes up and calls me Nana, but it's still so so cute.
Of course, he does all the other cute and adorable things that one-year olds do, but those are the main things right now.
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