Saturday, August 4

Do you ever get in a funk and stay in it for a day or two? I'm in one right now.

I take pride in how easy the past year has been for me. It seems like it's just about a year since God told me that He has given me the gift of singleness. Ironically, this has been the easiest year for me since 6th grade for this area of my life. There are very few days where I struggle or have fears. The fears are more unanswered questions about what will happen when I get older and if I will be lonely later in life.

People don't realize how much they want to befriend other people that are in the exact same stage in their life. I was asked at Angela's shower if it's ever hard for me since I can't fully connect with anyone completely. The person shared with me that sometimes it's hard for her because she doesn't have kids yet... Yes, sometimes, it is hard for me - but maybe not as hard as it is for her. She knows that someday she will have kids of her own and have that bonding time, but for me, I know it will never happen. Sure, I could sulk and have pity on myself for never being able to fully relate to people - or I can do what I tell most people to do when they are having a hard time - Get over it. I don't mean to say that to be insensitive to myself or to others, but there's only 2 choices in life - accept what you have or sulk and cry about it and never enjoy life or that situation. For me, I like the freedom that God has given me. I enjoy being single most of the time and I really do only seem to struggle with it for a few moments here and there - and it's usually because people just don't get it and it's hard to explain to people. And, let's be honest, there are lots of people that I don't explain it to.

So, why am I currently in a funk? Last night, I was with the beautiful Cloud kids. Right after Mandy left, Annah said something interesting to me. She said, "You're going to have a baby in two days?". I looked down at my stomach and wondered how bad my body has gotten for her to think that I am that pregnant... Then, she said the following that made me feel a whole lot better after I told her that I wasn't. She said, "Uh huh, you are. Vana told me. She told me that you are going to have a baby because she is praying that you will be a mom someday. She is praying for you that you will get married and be a mom." It's one of the cutest things ever and it brings tears to my eyes just typing it. Both Mandy and Amy have told me that the girls pray for me and that they're not going to stop them. I know that pretty much every person in my life hopes that this singleness is only for a season. I try to explain it to people that I don't think it is, and that it seems like it's going to be permanent. I don't know what God has for me - I only know what He has told me to this point...

Talking to kids about my singleness has always been the hardest part for me. How do I explain it? I don't ever want to explain it too much because I don't want them to have a fear that they will get this gift someday. I don't want to make it sound like I don't want it or like it, because I don't want them to think that God gave me something bad - when it's not. Yet, when I try to explain it to them in a happy way, they don't get it. I can try to say, "God wants me all for Himself" but that doesn't always go well with them . It just makes it really hard to try to explain it. Parents don't want to tell their kids about it when they talk about me and getting married and having kids some days because they don't want that to be God's will and because they don't know how to explain it if they wanted to. I think the hardest part is when kids ask, "do you have a boyfriend" and then they ask, "do you want one?". I feel like I'm obligated to explain my singleness to them so they don't ask me the next week or month and then it seems like I am deceiving them no matter what I say, but then it seems silly. I feel like I'm lying if I said I did just so I can make the conversation over...

Anyway... this is why I'm in a funk I guess. Sorry, that's a lot of nonsense and rambling that probably doesn't make sense to anyone other than myself. PS. I woke up on Sunday morning out of the funk... Oh how journaling is therapeutic to the soul and mind. :)


Keith said...

You're doing what you're called to do. If you answer His call, you will always have it right.

I loved what you said about half way through your post..."but there's only 2 choices in life - accept what you have or sulk and cry about it and never enjoy life or that situation."

I highly dis-like whining. Get over it, heh...that's what I usually tell them too.

Even if you are still called to singleness as you get older, I can't ever see you being lonely. Your personality would not allow that to happen, and you have all of those kids that you work with to love on.

Can't wait until Labor Day Weekend. Patty and I are in for that trip. Patty's going with you next weekend too I think.

Be well, follow His voice, and He will guide you along the path.

Anonymous said...

I admit that I feel like this call to singleness is only a season. I do realize that that season could last your entire life. Please understand that we don't doubt that you are being obedient to God. I believe he has made something very clear to you and that you are seeking to walk in that obedience. Vana and Addi pray for you to have a husband and kids when it is God's timing because that is how life is supposed to happen according to their paradigms. I also a way I want you to have a husband too only because when you've got something that is so good you want other people to have it also! No I don't mean I want you to have MY husband but I want you to experience the same fufillment and happiness that I receive from my marriage to Vu. It is my flesh nature that keeps me from realizing that God has made it clear to you that you can receive that fufillment and happiness through Him and not a husband. So the Hoover family will pray that you will continue to HEAR God speak to you! Love you!

Hannah said...

Thank you Keith for your encouragement and reassurement. I appreciate it.

Amy, I hope you didn't take this post in anyway that it was against you. I appreciate you and your family and how you have explained it to them - it has to be hard. I know that your family has my best in mind and that it's all of of love - which I am so grateful for.

Right after God told me this last year, God confirmed it to DD as well. He told her, "I can't waste Hannah on being a mother to 4 or 5 kids, I am going to use her to be a mother to thousands all over this world." This doesn't mean that I am a better mother than you or anyone else, it just shows my calling and what God has for me in this life. I hope this makes more sense...