Monday, August 13

As I woke up this morning, I realized how tired I am. I didn't get home last night until just before 10:30, and I wasn't completely tired yet.

This past trip was an interesting one. I never realized exactly how much I love spending time with my boy. This weekend, I definitely spent some time with him, but he spent a lot with Madison too. I am glad that their bond is growing stronger and that there is yet another person (there are many) that see how great he can be. It was also great to spend a lot of time with the other kids as well.

The kids got a new pool - one of those blue plastic ones that you can blow up the rim. It took hours to fill it up with the hose, but it was a great way to cool off. I think Madi was the only one that didn't get in. It was totally fun for all of us to be thrown (or dragged) into the pool. It was a great time having contests with the kids as to who can hold their breath for the longest and little games like that. I think we had about 20 kids in it at a time.

The luncheon went good with the staff. The kids did a great job of serving them the way they deserve. Different kids were involved in different parts of the meal - some with drinks, dessert, main dish, salad, etc.

I found out that my boy is not doing too hot. He's been lazy, stealing, fighting with the other kids, and not doing his chores. I am writing him a long letter telling him exactly what God expects of him and trying to get him back on the right path. I know he has a foundation with his walk with God, but he really needs to get more focused. I am on my 3rd page and I have lots more to go... Please pray for him and that the tone of the letter will be good and that it will be well received and understood.

Patty and I have decided to add more rules to the trip and I have thought about it in the past as well. The teens will no longer be able to have their Ipods and phones out - and they will definitely not be able to give them to the kids. We might also raise the price or tell them what is "included" and "not included" in the price of the trips.

All in all, it was a great trip. It's been great getting to know the teens on a deeper level - both the ones within our church and outside of it as well. They all have very soft hearts.


Keith said...

Awesome. Sounds like you guys had a great trip. I'll pray for Jesus Humberto right now and also that God will give you the wisdom and words to speak into his life.

I look forward to Labor Day Weekend.

Oz said...

Get some sleep.