Wednesday, July 25

Tonight is the Missionnettes dinner. I am really excited to see everyone as it's been a couple of weeks since VBS. That week is so crazy though that it's not like you really get to spend time with people. Last night (since I'm a procrastinator), I got the years worth of badges planned for Prims. I picked which 9 of the 13 units left that I think would be best to do. Tell me, why would they have an Earth, Nature, Plants & Flowers, and Creation badges? Isn't that a little overload of such similar topics... Maybe it's just me.

Nia is going to be the teacher this year, but I got everything ready for her so that she would have a lot less work to do. I have to tell you though... getting everything done last night was so much fun.. I look at the different activities that she can choose from for the badges (things like making a paper mache globe for the Nature, Missions, or Creation badge - or how about doing a secret handshake during the Friendship badge). I am going through these and I am hoping... hoping that I will be there the week that they are doing those activities for that badge - or worse yet, that she likes the options that I do. As much as I hate to admit it, Jeff Williams is right... I can't do things 50%, I have to be 100%. I stepped down from being the teacher because I get overwhelmed doing that, CdE, and teaching once a month at Amadeo. Yet, I am going crazy thinking about how I'm not going to be the teacher this year and I wish I could take it back. Now, I know that Addi and Cais aren't going to be there, and that's going to suck. There are some things that I know they would love to do! :( But, life goes on, somehow I have to get over it, kids grow older, and I know that Stars is going to be great for them. Anywho, I don't know what I'm going to do now... I wonder if it would be possible for me to go every week. Maybe I'll ask tonight. :)

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